19 Questions you think of something, we guess it

#4 Is it round? Yes No Skip this question

Is it small — no

Is it brown — no

Would you find it on a farm — no


a personal computer0.655%
a zebra eel0.626%
a soul mate0.278%
an archaeopteryx (bird-like dinosaur)0.259%
a skeleton0.248%
a Dalmatian0.248%
a king cobra0.248%
Total entropy:11.32 bits

Top questions

Does it bring joy to people0.065 bits
Is it larger than a pound of butter0.064 bits
Is it round0.063 bits
Can it fit in an envelope0.061 bits
Are there many different sorts of it0.059 bits
Is it flexible0.058 bits
Do you use it in public0.056 bits
Is it smooth0.055 bits
Is it heavy0.055 bits
Does it weigh more than a duck0.055 bits